Our Thinkific extension allows you to create enrollments and remove users from courses. To use this Action you will need the Course or Bundle ID of each course you wish to enrol, or remove, your student to or from.
How to find your Course ID
Update: From version 1.1.0 and up, your course IDs and names will be automatically synced to WordPress. They will be available in the Create and Remove Enrollment Actions of Groundhogg.
Log into your Thinkific School, go Manage Learning Content and click Courses. Click the course you wish to enrol your student in.
Wait for the editor to open and note the URL:
It will look like the following:
where 175131 is the Course ID
Use this Course ID in your funnel benchmarks and actions.
Create User Enrolment Funnel
In this funnel, when a Tag is applied (Or any benchmark of your choosing) a User is enrolled in the course with ID 1256. They are enrolled immediately and the enrollment is valid for 365 days.
Top Tip: Click Update when you change the ‘Run When’ drop down to refresh the page and enter further options e.g. Course ID
How to find your Bundle ID
Finding your Bundle ID is very similar to the Course ID. Open your Thinkific Dashboard and choose Manage Learning Content
Then click Courses, followed by Membership & Bundles
Click the Bundle you wish to enrol you user in and examine the URL. It should look like the following:
In this example, the Bundle ID is 16046
When creating an enrollment, or removing a user from a bundle, simply enter the Bundle ID(s) in the appropriate box.
In the following example funnel, we are removing a user when a tag is removed from their contact. The supplied Bundle ID is 16046 and we can supply more if the user is enrolled in more than one bundle.