Important: This tutorial assumes you have already downloaded, installed and activated the WooCommerce Extension for Thinkific.
Create a new product in Thinkific or open an existing one. Scroll to the meta box Thinkific WooCommerce Settings
Linked Thinkific Product: This is the course or bundle in Thinkific, that when this product is purchased in WooCommerce, the user will be granted access to. In this example, the user will be granted access to the Admin Course.
Create Enrollment: When this box is checked, the user that buys this product in WooCommerce will be enrolled in the course as indicated in the Linked Thinkific Product. If an account does not exist in Thinkific, an account will be created for them. The billing name and email for the WooCommerce order will be used as the account details. In this example, the user who buys this product will be enrolled in the Admin Course.
Note: If this box is checked, you should ensure a user can only buy one of these products per checkout. If you permit a user to buy multiple amounts of a course with this box checked, it will cause erratic behaviour. If you wish to sell multiple seats/licenses/coupons, you should use the coupon option (See below)
Days to Expiry: The amount of time, in days, a user has access to the course. In this example, the user will have access for 1 year (365 days). Enter zero or leave blank for no expiry.
Sync Data from Thinkific: When checked, the system will pull and populate data from Thinkific into the WooCommerce product. This includes descriptions and chapter information (See the Product Data and Course Content Meta Boxes).
Note: Data synced from Thinkific is read only. To update or alter course information, you must do so in Thinkific.
Enable Alumini Discount: When checked, the user will be granted a discount if they have enrolled in another given course. In the example below, the user will be granted a 10% discount on the price of this product in WooCommerce if they were previously enrolled in the Corporate Onboarding Course
Enable Thinkific Coupon Generation: When enabled, the system will issue a Thinkific Coupon that allows the use to access the Linked Thinkific Product. If the user buys more than 1 of the given WooCommerce product in a single checkout, the coupon will be valid for that number of uses. In this example, if the user bought 8 of these WooCommerce products, they would be permitted to use the coupon code 8 times to access the Admin Course.